Wednesday, March 27, 2013

We The Forgetful

     A wise man once said “No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.”

     I fully believe in the truth of this quote. What this storyteller forgot to mention, however, is that although kindness may not be wasted, it is certainly forgotten. Millions of people walk the face of this earth each day without knowing to truth of the Gospel. They ride the rollercoaster that is life without realizing there is a true hope, true peace and true love waiting for them. These people have not forgotten the amazing act of kindness that Jesus Christ gave for us because they don’t know it!

     We, on the other hand, do know it. We teach it in some form every Sunday. We sing about it on Wednesdays. We sign cards with “Blessings!” and wear our Jesus t-shirts like they’re going out of style. But we—the churchgoers, the saved—forget the Almighty, Heavenly, God-Himself-in-human-form act of kindness every day. We get tangled in the arms of worry instead of the arms of grace. We rest our minds on the to-do list of the day instead of the One who has written a plan for our 24 hours. We execute breath after breath without using them for one simple word of praise. We have forgotten.

     Jesus Christ died on a cross so that we may know forgiveness, have eternal life and experience true, passionate and perfect love. We forget that. But that’s not all we forget. We forget that Jesus also rose again! From the dead! Three days later! Not only did Jesus—God in flesh—love us so much that he came down to earth to live and die for us, He also loved us to a depth that left His heart desiring to be with us again one day. And so He arose. We make a point to forget that as well. It shows in our words, our actions, our thoughts and our lack of praise. We, as the church, have become forgetful.

     His act of kindness was flawless. And He did it for the most flawed of creations. He did it for us.

     So as we celebrate Easter, the time in which Christ arose again, I am asking God to awaken our hearts as well. That we may rise up from the ashes of forgetfulness and allow the memory and truth of what He did be the center of our every thought, action, word and praise.

In His Love,

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